Thursday, September 23, 2010


The most impactful thing that I have learned from this module is the different activities introduced during the lesson. for example, the my favourite activity is still the poker card activity whereby we had to sort the cards in a method so that it turns out to be like a magic trick to encourage children to learn number words. I was so impressed with the activity that i carried out with the children for a few days. To tell you the truth, I was very pleased with their response. The K1 and N2 really taught it was magic! The K2 was really smart, at the end of the trick, they were able to tell me immediately that it was not magic and that it can be done by sorting and placing the card according to a method. I was quite pleased to hear such response from them as I did not expect them to figure out the trick so quickly.

Lastly, I feel that this course has provided me with information and resources to plan for an enriching mathematics lesson for my children. Also, it made me realise the need to constantly provide children with opportunity to imagine, visualize and problem solve the thinking process. For instance, when I was teaching my N2 children about shapes using their body, I asked them to think about forming a circle using their body. The children came up with two ideas in total.

  The children suggested this method of making a circle using their body.

The second method:
One of the children suggested using hands to form a circle.

After the lesson, it really made me feel that it is important for children to problem solve themselves as they will be able to conceptualize concepts and create their own understanding of ideas. thus, they would be better able to grasp the concept further and build a stronger foundation at the end of the day. As the saying goes, it is the process and not the product that is important.

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